Width and height of the PICT have to be other than 0! Pattern Width Color Hidden Zigzag Divide Dashdot Dashed Solidline You can't explode markers! Endpoint(s) of x-line(s) is/are missing! Selected symbols weren´t added to the new symbol! Break must lie on line! Entered scale(s) or element(s) are different! Groups don´t exist! Invisible layer can´t be the current layer! No groups exist! Can´t calculate chamfer with this distance and angle! Scale must be larger than zero! Y radius X radius Number of corners must be between 3 and 100! Curve center and measurement point identical! Lines are not parallel! Font Symbol name already exists! Pattern Material Grayscale Cross hatch Attribute Distance Right bottom Middle bottom Left bottom Right middle Middle middle Left middle Right top Middle top Left top Selection point Inclination Angle of rotation Reference point Y Reference point X None Spike Frame Underlined Oval Rectangle Circle Arrow Decimal places Dash dot dot Dash dot Dashed Solid Text hight Text width No Yes Unit Kind Content Real scale Alternative Raw dimension Auxiliary dimension Theoretcally exact dimension Check dimension Standard Angle Factor Hight Width y x Lower tolerance Upper tolerance Dimension text Item number Note Text PICT Marker Spline Bézier curve Polygon Redo… Point Selected elements have different scales! Element doesn´t belong to a group! Panning Draw window No arc possible! Scale is zero! Can´t calculate the circle! Height and width of print area can´t be zero! Undo… Illegal style! Illegal pen! Illegal group! Illegal layer! Points aren´t in a row! You clicked the inside point twice! 2. point lies on another x-line! Select a point on the curve! Can´t calculate the circle! Reselect the elements. Undo not possible! Contour has no junction points! X-Lines require at least two points! X-Line Hatching No elements in the current group! Scale of the element is different from the current scale! The two element have different scales! Saving data… Element too small => element not changed! Symbol Selection point Y Selection point X Dimension y1 x1 y0 x0 Points Hatching End angle Start angle Arc Circle r ym xm Lines Angle Can´t calculate a curve with this radius! y1 x1 y0 x0 Center or radius not identical! Point lies on a line => arc not possible! Untitled No Tangent possible! Calculating contour… Length Open drawing… Symbol contains no elements! Save drawing as… No intersection between lines => trimming not possible! No intersection between lines! No intersection between lines and arc! No intersection between lines! No arc possible! Radius too small! Lines are parallell => can´t calculate circle position! Lines are parallel! Point lies on a line => radius = ∞ Line length is zero! Zoom all… This point lies inside the circle => can´t draw tangent! Can´t find symbol!